Frequently Asked Questions


General Questions

  • What is SLATE?
    SLATE (Summer Learning and Training Excellence) is a premier program offering a variety of skill development courses during the summer. Our goal is to provide practical, hands-on training to help you advance your career.
  • What courses are available at SLATE?
    We offer a wide range of courses, including Laravel, Game Development, Food Safety, Clinical Nutrition and Health Management, Food Quality and Control, Engineering Design and Simulation, and Progressive Web App Development using Laravel.
  • How long are the courses?
    Course lengths vary:
    8-week courses: Clinical Nutrition and Health Management, Food Quality and Control, Game Development, Progressive Web App Development using Laravel.
    6-week courses: Engineering Design and Simulation.
  • Who are the instructors?
    Our courses are taught by experienced professionals with extensive industry knowledge. They bring real-world insights and practical skills to the classroom.
  • What is the mode of teaching?
    Our primary mode of teaching is in-campus. However, we offer online classes exclusively for out-of-station students.
  • What are the course fees?
    Each course costs 20,000.